Monday, July 9, 2012

Where is the information for ODD

There is so much information out there on ADHD, ADD, and Autism but no public awareness nor many creditable websites for parents to find information on.  Our children are looked at spoiled brats, or that us as parents do not discipline them enough and that is why they are what they are and what they do. 

I know personally that my own mother told Kaleb that he was acting like a spoiled brat one time when we were out in public, when all it was, was Kaleb was having major overly sensory issues going on due to we were in a mall with a lot of people around. This is way to much for Kaleb and this brings out the majority of Kaleb's behaviors.

Once Kaleb was properly diagnosed my family seemed to understand better and did not look at Kaleb as a brat or try to criticize my parenting skills.  It seems as they finally get Kaleb and now Kaleb and my Dad and Brother have a great bond where they are going fishing, and watching baseball games, and even teaching Kaleb new games to keep his mind busy. All this has helped for the most part on Kaleb's behaviors.  Grant it we do have our days where I am not able to even go to the grocery store eve if his older sister is home and usually be able to watch Kaleb.  There are days where his sister and I walk on egg shells knowing he could blow at any moment.  However, we both have learned great techniques on how to help Kaleb calm himself down and thanks to his OT they have given us a few easy tips at home as well.

These are: Giving Kaleb time in his room where he will go in his room and throw a blanket over his whole body and head and just scream until he calms down.  They also gave us a brush that kinda looks like a nail brush but so much more softer and showed us how to do it on Kaleb, this little trick has helped a lot at bedtime as  Kaleb has problems falling asleep.  After brushing Kaleb can usually fall asleep within 10 minutes and seems to be so much calmer the next day.  These are great ideas and has help us out so much.

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