Wednesday, July 11, 2012


I have come across some sites on ODD but there are so very little.  If you were to google ODD you would get some sites where many people are asking questions in Yahoo and other people are commenting on their posts.  I have heard of a book I just started reading and it seems to be Kaleb to a T.

The book is called The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene.  I am only on page 5 but so far it talks about how some children are not very good at sudden changes in their routine and how they seem inflexible but really all they want is a little more clarification on why the routine was changed. 

In my own experience I know that I have to get Kaleb at his best (usually right in the morning) and tell him what is going to happen that day especially around holidays or any other major family event.  Otherwise Kaleb will have a melt down during the event and then it makes it for a rough time when it should be a wonderful experience.

Another website I found useful was the Mayo Clinic has some great information on ODD.  This helped me understand where Kaleb was coming from and where his future may lie.  I cannot find the site now but I remember when Kaleb was first diagnosed that I found a site where another mother was writing that the outlook for children with ODD is very grim and they may end up in jail or worse, and that these children may lead lonely lives with not many friends.  At first I was devastated when reading this and had many nights or tears when the kids went to bed, however I decided that my child will not be one that ends up in the prison system which is why I devote most of my spare time ensuring he is in many activities that i can get him into. 

If anyone reading this post has other resources out there for anyone else please let me know as ODD is not a very known cause and many people look at our children as brats with us not disciplining our children at all.  The more we are able to bring this diagnosis to the surface and it can be well known just like ADHD and Autism.  We as parents are going to be our children's best advocate and without us they could be lost in the system.

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